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Halloween Letter from the Sheriff


October 23, 2023

Fellow Citizens of Camden County,

The Halloween Holiday is coming up soon! We remind you to prioritize safety this Halloween when carving pumpkins, decorating, dressing up in costumes, and trick-or-treating.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has several safety tips to help children remain safe while still experiencing the fun and excitement that comes with Halloween.

* Leave pumpkin carving to the adults. Child helpers can grab a spoon and scoop out the inside or use a marker to trace the design.
* Battery-operated lights or glow sticks are recommended for decorations and are the safest option.
* Use a ladder when hanging or removing decorations, and only use lights tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory.
* Wear a costume that fits and avoid overly long or baggy costumes to prevent trips and falls. 

Halloween can be a safe and enjoyable evening for all with some preparation, communication, and diligence. Of course, we will be on patrol and available to you and your children if you need us. As always, dial 911 in case of an emergency.

There are several Trunk-or-Treat events in the Lake Area this year and we look forward to seeing you there.  From myself, Chief Deputy Jim Brashear, and all the men and women at the Camden County Sheriff's Office, have a wonderful Halloween.  And as ever, I am humbled and honored to continue serving as your sheriff.




Tony R Helms


Sheriff, Camden County