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Vending Machine Available to Jail Inmates


Captain Chris Moehle and Sheriff Tony Helms.Captain Chris Moehle and Sheriff Tony Helms

The Camden County Sheriff's Office recently acquired a vending machine for the inmates being housed at the Adult Detention Center.

The purpose of the machine is so that inmates can order from their commissary account more than once a week.  Newly incarcerated individuals, who would normally have to wait to use their commissary account until the following week, will now be able to use their account when funds are available. 

The items carried in the vending machine are not items normally carried in the commissary which will give the inmates a variety. 

The vending machine did not cost the Sheriff's Office anything and was provided by Keefe Foods who receive a portion of proceeds from the items sold.  Also, if certain items are not selling well, they can be traded out for more popular food items. 

All proceeds from the vending machine food sales will go to benefiting the inmates in some fashion.  

If you have any questions about the program, contact Captain Chris Moehle, Adult Detention Center Supervisor.