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Deputy Otis Joins Camden County


Black lab Otis. Deputy Ryan Reed holding Otis on a leash. Deputy Ryan Reed standing by Otis who is laying on a table.


Otis, a 16 month old black lab, has joined the Camden County Sheriff's Office.  

His K-9 handler/partner, Deputy Ryan Reed, attended a 3 week training course where he met Otis for the first time.  Otis has been trained in drug detection and tracking. Of course, because of his demeanor, he will be a good public relations ambassador. K-9 Otis has a lot of drive and is extremely friendly.

Both Deputy Reed and his K-9 partner received their training at Highland K-9 Training Center in North Carolina.  

Both Deputy Reed and Otis, have recently returned from an enhanced drug detection course in Johnston, Iowa that was conducted by the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center.

Otis has already been utilized several times during vehicle stops.  He has also been requested to search vehicles and lockers at our various schools.

We are pleased to have Otis on board and hope to have a Facebook page on-line soon that is specifically for Otis.